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How do you extract .bsa files?

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I know its an archived folder kind of like a .rar. How exactly do you go about extracting it and dumping it into a folder to see what's inside?


BSAcommander or I think OBMM has a function that lets you extract .bsa files

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OBMM will make the BSA files accessible.

Click on utilities/BSA browser to do this. (also called unpacking).

When that is finished double click on the relevant BSA file to open.

Click on sort for alphabetical listing.

Find the file you want then double click on the file to extract it.

The file you extract is only a copy so you don't have to worry about messing it up.

No need to extract the lot. Just what you want to use.

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Noice! Thanks jefe and again boss!


Another question instead of starting another thread:


How do you add eyes to the list on the upper right of "Body Data". Or put more simply, to add more eyes being selectable for a race. :thanks:

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http://www.tesnexus.com/articles/article.php?id=168 - BSA Commander tutorial


Body Data


Specify tail model and body texture files, as well as height and weight scaling. Before you can select a stock texture you have extract the BSA files.


* Eye Colors: Specify the available eye colors by dragging items from the Eyes menu.

* Hair Styles: Specify the available hair styles by dragging items from the Hair menu.

* Default Hair: Select the default male and female hair types.



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