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Moments that made you feel like a god...

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I'm sure everyone has these, when you do something that makes you feel plain awesome.


I had one a while ago, I was on my way to the washington monument, in a metro, and all of a sudden four dogs charge at me. There wa a kind of 'ramp' between them and I, and I had a katana. They ran up off the ramp, flew at me, and I started swinging my katana. A moment later, all four dogs where five meters behind where I was standing, all lacking at least one limb.


Anyone else got some good ones?

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I would say when I had to escort Dr. Li and friends through the taft tunnel, and blew the Enclave soldiers off the balcony (Close to where you find the Eyebot helmet) with liberal use of grenades, courtesy of the Outcasts' tech trade.
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Mine has to be:


When I'm on level 3, scavenging some old ruins of houses, seeing a red blip on my map move behind me, and turning round to see a vicious dog, and without hesitation, firing my hunting rifle at it. That doesnt sound very good, but im not finished. I had shot it in VATS, and when i exited, i saw the dog FLY away, spinning wildly. I was laughing my head off thinking "Im the master" And THEN a bloody daethclaw comes up behind me, slashing me to bits. Victory? Ruined...

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I'm sure everyone has these, when you do something that makes you feel plain awesome.


I had one a while ago, I was on my way to the washington monument, in a metro, and all of a sudden four dogs charge at me. There wa a kind of 'ramp' between them and I, and I had a katana. They ran up off the ramp, flew at me, and I started swinging my katana. A moment later, all four dogs where five meters behind where I was standing, all lacking at least one limb.


Anyone else got some good ones?


Fast raveling to Smith Casey's Garage has some odd effects lol. For instance, when I travel theres always a blodbath orgy of critters or regulators that just start brawling a few feet away from me lol.

This particular encounter I couldnt help just to laugh hysterically at after the dusk settled and the gun shells vanished from the ground.

Screen included lol. They say variety is the spice of life but that one was just ridiculous haha.

Needless to say I felt quite powerful afterwards lol. :biggrin:

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I gotta admit, my "god-like" moment is pretty modest. I was hanging out with my friend and I decided to pull a huge stunt. I used god mode setting up a huge wall of frag mines (I wish I had a screen, the thing was as wide as the megaton door, and half as tall as me) I spawned a Super Mutant Master (More like 20) and they all came rushing towards me. Well, The wall exploded killing all of the mutants, and probably blew Mister Lopez off of the ship, the 'splosion lagged so much. The rest of the day I felt EPIC.
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Using a katana on a vicious dog is a bit like using a shotgun on a radroach. :P


Back in my raider-hunting days, I often found myself running into Yao Guais and Robobrains, using my 44 from a distance and then pulling out my chinese assault rifle for the up-close and personal. At one point, I found myself at Old Olney surrounded by five Deathclaws and I somehow managed to survive after unloading about 20 or so clips into them.


That kind of thing pretty much convinced me that becoming a sniper/explosives expert would be wise. I like my "fun" to be a little less scary than that.

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Just had a great one!


After scavenging for about an hour, trying to find some rifle ammo, my compass showed a yellow blip. I stealthed over to it, and about 300 yards away were two super mutant brutes and a behemoth. The yellow blip was a tiny little wastelander. Being the noble player that i am, i used my rifle, shooting both brutes in the head, three times each, killing both. Except therewas still the bloody behemoth. Now low on ammo, i switched to a combat knife. Just as i was preparing to rush in, the weirdest glitch in the world happened. Three mutie brutes spawned INSIDE the behemoth, somehow killing it. I just stared in awe at this sight.


Then i went over to free the wastelander. He offered me some items, and even though i need ammo, i let him have it. I felt rather good for about five minutes. Then i realised i was dead meat...

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