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Looking for a partner to mod with :D


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Hello people of TESnexus forums all im wondering is if someone would like to do a project with me. if you could script and other various things please send me a message regarding your contact information (Msn or email please)



Thank you for readin this and i hope i will get a few people. :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

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To expand on Alex's post, it's also best to show us that you're commited to this project. Get most of it done, everything you're capable of doing. Get. It. Done. Then ask. If you don't show the people you are asking that you're -serious- about this, that they won't be expected to do all the work then have you take credit, despite what kind of person you are, it'll be hard to find willing modders to assist you. Some of us have tried to work with a team before, and some got burnt because of it. Someone wasn't doing what they were supposed to do, they weren't commited.


Like I said, the best way to get interest is have everything you're capable of doing completed. Then say that you need help setting up X feature or Y script or Z quest. People would be far more willing to help then because they see that you're serious about this project.


On an off topic note, this reminds me, I gotta hunt down a texturer/modeler.

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Thanks for that guys and plus i really am serious about my project. my idea for the moment is to brainstorm and fix up anything the person doesnt agree with me. my whole idea is about a new cave and a new house and a new guild. the cave and house is for a quest and the guild is a reward from the quest.The guild is a sneak/archer guild which you get ranks to. As i said i need a scripter as i can make these simple houses and caves, but i need a scripter for these quests and helping hand with modelling and texturing. please contact me via msn or email( send me a private message telling me your email or if you are wanting it) thank you and i hope you will help :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thumbsup:
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