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The Shield of Solitude - and how it's supposed to look like!


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Hey fellow Skyrimers,


so yesterday I found this awesome Shield called "Shield of Solitude". I like the whole Wolf theme around Solitude (including the queen of wolfs etc). However when I finally got the Shield of Solitude I like the enchantment a lot but was highly dissapointed by how the shield actually looked.


Since I don't know how to mod skyrim and somehow I get like 1000 errors when I try to open the Skyrim.esp, maybe someone wants to join forces with me to create a replacer for the ugly version of the "Shield of Solitude". Basically my plan/concept for the Shield is something like this:



http://i.imgur.com/KUjsn5x.jpg (2nd little more advanced edition)


I was think about a theme that would fit a wolf'ish shield and then the Nord-Shield popped up in my mind. Basically my partner (who knows how to do stuff in the Creation Kit) and me (Photoshop-Texturing) will create a wolf-themed shield with a pretty badass look. The preview on the picture is something I did in the last 30 minutes and it's not finished yet.


What I did so far:

  • Changed the eyes
  • Added wolf/spiky hair next to the head
  • changed the way the nose is build
  • Adjusted the eyes to be more like a the eyes of a wolf instead of a dragon
  • Added Teeth and tongue

Things that I want to change with more time than just 30 minutes:

  • Change the ears to more wolfy like ears
  • Seperate the head (color/texture-wise) from the other metal-parts of the shield

So basically 1) I want to transform that ugly looking shield into the 2) fire spitting dragon Nord shield to 3) to a Wolf looking shield.

However as said I need help because I don't know how to work with that Creation Kit thing. And two guys finish a project like this faster than one, right?


If you wanna team up with me to realize this just PM me here. Thx already!


The reward will be fame, girls, and an awesome looking new Shield of Solitude!




On Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1xsz37/the_shield_of_solitude_and_how_its_supposed_to/

(Please consider helping out and upvote so that more people can see it, I guess I'll find someone to team up faster then)

Edited by ulumugulu
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Just a quick test if i havent forgotten everthing i once knew...


something like


http://www7.pic-upload.de/16.02.14/x7zxb72cmkl.jpg ?


if u have an updated texture i can change it its only a texture replacer atm.if u look behind the shield u dont see the wolf ears. but if u want i can try to change.

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Just a quick test if i havent forgotten everthing i once knew...


something like


http://www7.pic-upload.de/16.02.14/x7zxb72cmkl.jpg ?


if u have an updated texture i can change it its only a texture replacer atm.if u look behind the shield u dont see the wolf ears. but if u want i can try to change.


Something's wrong with the specular. In fact, doesn't Skyrim bind together the speculars and normals?

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i ve made the specular with crazy bump. looked good for me, dont know perhaps different understandings and taste :) to glossy? dont know if skyrim bind them together ... like 2 layers or? normal and spec for the background and normal and spec for the wolfhead. if i had the time and patience ;D i would make the wolfhead in 3d with cinema 4d.... if anyone knows better, im willing to learn :D

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Most common ones are diffuse map (.dds), normal map with specular map in its alpha channel (_n.dds) and the environment mask (_m.dds). So to reduce the glossy effect you could try to adjust spec and env map - both are greyscale versions of the diffuse map - white = maximum, black = minimum/no effect and greytones = everything between.


And of course you can play around with the shader settings of the .nif, like glossiness and, env map strength, spec color/str, different cubemap materials and so on...



Edited by ghosu
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if the orginal texturemaker replys i can do that daventry.


i just realized i watched your tuts on youtube when i made my first anime weapon mods :D leckerhamster. great help und ist erst 2 jahre her... wo is die zeit... wenigstens einer der mal in cinema 4d was macht. werd mir wohl 1-2 nochmal angucken um wieder einbisschen fuss zufassen. leider bin ich zu unkreativ um mir was eigenes auszudenken ;) deswegen guck ich im request forum rum was ich machen könnte. na wenigstens kann ich mich mal für die hilfe bedanken, DANKE


ah und das schild hat in nifskope nur die .dds und die _n.dds eingetragen. kann ich in den zeilen da drunter die _m.dds eintragen oder ist das item abhängig? bei den schwertern die ich gemacht habe war die m glaube aufgelistet. wenn keine antwort such ich google durch. danke im vorraus :)

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Nicht alle Modelle verwenden alle möglichen Maps...wenn zB cubemap und _m.dds von Haus aus nicht eingetragen sind, ist im Normalfall der Shader Type (wenn man auf BSLightingShaderProperty klickt) auf DEFAULT gesetzt, dadurch wird auch weiter unten dann die Environment Map Strength grau hinterlegt / deaktiviert.


Wenn man die Env Map aktivieren möchte, muss man Shader Type auf Env Map stellen...musst ingame testen, vl reicht das schon - ansonsten eben die Werte mit einem Schild mit aktiver Env Map abgleichen (zb Elven Shield) oder eben deinen BSLightingShaderProperty Block durch einen mit aktivierter Env Map ersetzen - damit hast 1:1 die selben Werte, um Fehler auszuschließen.


Generell müssen die Maps dann auch in der richtigen Zeile des TextureSet Blocks eingetragen sein.









Mit den ganzen verschiedenen Einstellungen muss man sich etwas rumspielen und testen, http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1188259-bslightingshaderproperty-basics/?hl=nifskope+shader ist vl hilfreich.



Edited by ghosu
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Thanks Bloodysunday and Hey Ghosu, could you Mesh Two Weapons for me please.


Theres a Vanilla Weapon called Trollsbane that looks like a Normal Steel Warhammer, im wondering if you could do a Mesh without a esp to Replace the top with a Troll Skull while leaving everything else Vanilla please.

Amren from Whiterun is looking for he's Father's Sword, but its a plane Nordic Sword whereas he is a Redguard. Please Mesh the Sword without a esp to look like a Scimitar.

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