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Cast Spell on Death - possible?


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I'm looking for something unique that I haven't been able to find in any of the mods yet.


I want to cast spells at the moment of death. My character's death or my enemy's death, either will fit playstyle.




Example: I sneak & shoot Mr. Stormcloak, when he dies he casts Mass Rally on all of his friends around him to piss them off and send them straight to me.


Example 2: I shoot a woman in a town, when she dies she casts Mass Fear on all of the townspeople, sending them fleeing in every direction.


Example 3: I shoot a mudcrab, he dies & casts Firestorm and explodes like a grenade, killing everything within 20 yards.


I'm thinking this might be possible with 3 different weapons with different script types on them, but I'm not experienced enough at modding to figure it out.




For completeness' sake, I want the same effect on my character. If I die I want to explode like a mudcrab, or some other effect.


Any ideas on how this might be possible? Has anyone released a mod that makes this work?

Edited by llocke1127
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