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Fallout 3 Crashes Spontaneously


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Hey, I have trouble with fallout 3 where the game freezes up or crashes after 10 - 15 minutes of game time. It usually freezes up and the game is still present, but nothing moves and sound can be heard still.


Detailed report:


When ever i play fallout 3, 10 to 15 minutes into the game it either freezes ingame showing the last image shown before freeze, and the music/radio can still be heard playing. When i CTRL + ALT + DEL to desktop it says "Not Responding" which clearly shows the game crashed. Something related to this is when i use VATS first time ingame after i load it freezes for 4 seconds then resumes.



Here is my system Specifications:


OS: Vista 64-bit

CPU: Intel Core i7 920

Video card: EVGA Geforce GTX 260 Core 216sp

Sound: Integrated 7.1 Sound card

Memory: 6 GB Tri-channel RAM

PSU: Antec 500 Watt dual 12v rails (Supports enough electricity for card and other hardware.)


Game Settings:


Resolution: 1680x1050

Full AA, and AS

Max Quality

Max Fade





Averages at 40 - 50 FPS


Other Information:


Fallout 3 is not patched, the reason is because when i installed 1.6 it screwed up my mouse when using the Pip-boy the mouse moves too fast to select anything so i stick with the version out of the box.


I have the following mods:


Shoulder PAD.esp 02

Hairpack.esm 00

Fallout3.esm 01

GalaxyNewsRadio100[M].esp 03


I use Fallout Mod Manager and Archive Invalidation Invalidated


If there is any way this can get fixed, i would be most appreciative. Thanks.

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Well for one, you don't have to run max settings.



It's just comfort food.



Truth is you can turn most of them down to halfway before you'll even notice in game.



So I guess the first step for you is to read an follow this tweek guide


it's kind of old but is still good stuff http://www.tweakguides.com/Fallout3_8.html



It also gives instructions on how to completely disable the most anoying mouse multiplyer.



Hey zomg two birds with one stone.



Also turn off Fallout's AA an AF settings making them performance

and use your grapics card to force whatever AA an AF settings you want

The same thing might work for Vsync I haven't tried it yet




From there I would patch to either 1.5 or 1.6


Also I would give the highest recomindations to also using/applying


FO3edit's master update to 1.5, optional to 1.6




So kind of start with just the 1.5 or 1.6 patch


then download FOMM, and install it


then download FOSE, and install it


then download FO3edit, an install it


get the GECK too, install it all in the fallout folder



which brings me to install your fallout 3 oustide of program files

in it's own folder like C:/bethesda softworks rather than

C:/program files/bethesda softworks



Also clean off your desktop, don't store any data here just shortcuts

an no screensaver or background, only the minimum



Download a poop ton of great mods, read the read me's delete the ones that

conflict, install an delete stuff you think will conflict depending on how it looks

inside the data files



Turn off all your auto save options, never auto save never quick save

always create new saves, keep about 15 or more, so you can roll back



Okay so you got a poop ton of mods, GECK, FOMM, FOSE, and FO3edit


Spend a few hours making the load order


.esm at the top .esp to follow, in the order following read me rules

and also rules in the pinned topics about installing mods

You could also follow the Ultimate Load Order as a guide to learn how

to install things really clean, then when you get tired of those mods

delete it an take what you learned to re install making a world

with all the stuff you want rather than what ultimate load order said



After a few hours you come up with a load order that doesn't crash before the load screen pops up


which when you get the load screen to pop up you just exit out of the game



find FO3edit.exe, right click, create a shortcut


right click the shortcut, go to propertys


see the target line, you want to add -masterupdate


there is a space after the quotes though


so it looks something like "C:/bethesdapoop\fallout3\FO3edit.exe" -masterupdate


now run the shortcut, from now on this is your master update launcher


and you should hide it so you don't click it thinking it's FO3edit



The master update runs an displays text, if an error occurs it lists which mod


caused the error which you can do one of two things, either open the mod that caused


the error with GECK with it set to active an hope that GECK prompts you to auto fix it


which you select yes then save an try master update again, or ask the mod that caused


the error to fix it for you (FO3edit recominded to ask the author)


Anyhow if it still causes a error, then delete that mod an move on


get master update to finish then click the X to finish the process


from now on if you add in new mods or remove mods or change anything


you must also master update, you can remove the master update by creating


another shortcut only instead of adding -masterupdate you add -masterrestore


After that you play with 50% less crashes, an other great stuff from FO3edit's masterupdate

an the more current patches.




I got tired of working on it, but this is the mods an load order I came up with the last install I did

and yeah you have to install more than one time to get good at it








Sharing and Caring Companions.esm

Mart's Mutant Mod.esm

Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esp


FOOK - Tougher Enemies.esp

FOOK - Owned!.esp

FOOK - Free Play After MQ.esp

FOOK - Strength Requirements for Miniguns, Gatlings, 20mm Flak.esp

FOOK - Additional Power Armor Training.esp










CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp

Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp

CALIBR Ammo Schematics - CRAFT.esp

FOOK Weapons - CRAFT.esp

CRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esp


Primary essential.esp

Secondary essential.esp

Butch essential.esp

Essential death time 60 secondes.esp

Uber Dogmeat.esp

Ultra Olney.esp


GPs Oasis - Clean Water 1.1.esp

MTC MoreGuardsInBigTown.esp


More Merchant Caps.esp

real deputy weld V0.2.esp

Fallout 3 Girls Redone.esp


Potw V0.6.esp



Sammy The Singing Robot.esp


Not alone in the Wasteland anymore.esp


NPCs Sleep Tighter.esp






Megaton Tweaks 1.28.esp








Vault-Tec Experimental Dimensional Safe.esp

amjygold bars.esp



















Pop Culture shirts.esp


SCC Armor.esp


Daves Special Gift.esp


Cybernetic Implants Xangi.esp



The Groovatron.esp

Explosive Entry.esp



Bottle That Water.esp

Magic Fingers Perk.esp

Dree Perks.esp







Modern weapons.esp





VATS - MCE.esp




no blur on hit.esp


Vanity Camera Mod.esp


Ultra pip-boy light.esp


Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9.esp


Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp

Enhanced Weather - Radioactive Rain Plugin.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - No Geckos.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - No Wanamingos.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - No Floaters.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp

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Wow that is a lot of information to write down.. My card can handle the max settings, i average at 40 - 50 FPS.. I got the 1.5 patch and ever since it has not crashed, but i find when i first use VATS after loading a game it pauses for 4 seconds before resuming.



Does the AA and AF look the same or better when using nvidia's control panel instead of the game's graphics?

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOLZ the version 1.0 crashes randomly




1.5 is 2000 times better



Then FO3edit's master update on 1.5 is almost uncrashable


So you can disreguard that statement about 1.5, even though it might be true


about just plain old 1.5, we don't use that, we use master update on 1.5 1.6 1.7


I'll put the master update stuff at the bottom.






It's not about what the grapics card can or can't handle, it's about what fallout 3 can handle

and also the physics generator in combat.



Fallout 3 has a stutter problem, we tweek the settings to minimize it, and also to combat mouse lag.




Read the old tweek guide






As to the AA an AF, yeah fallout.exe's AA an AF just plain sucks

You have to jack it way up to get a good render, which drags down FPS


While turning it off via the default Fallout3launcher.exe, set's fallout to performance


then inside your grapics card settings you can override any application setting

and apply whatever AA an AF you want, in either the global profile or fallout 3 profile.



The rule is let the 3D application run the AA an AF, but in the case of games like Fallout 3 an like

the new grand theif auto, it's poor AA an AF that downgrades performance at higher settings

But it takes higher settings to yield a good render.



While turning off fallout 3's AA an AF, then making the grapics card force AA and AF

You can set it higher even than the fallout 3 settings, without the performance loss either

So yeah it's much better, besides most grapics card drivers provide different versions of AA an AF

that are enhanced, like 8XQ or 16XQ or SLI 8 SLI 16, SLI 8XQ SLI 16XQ



I used the global setting, so AA an AF gets forced on all games, overriding them, but I mostly just play fallout 3

There have been a lot of games where I ran into the same problem, so from now on I'm making the the card

override 3D application AA an AF, taking the 3D application out of that process so it can focus on the base renders

and chaos.



Don't forget to follow that tweek guide, it's got some uber stuff at the end like setting how much RAM Fallout 3 is allowed to use

or if it uses the page file, which it's set to not use the page file by default an other stuff, which is retarded if you ask me.






What you do is find the FO3edit.exe, right click it and create a short cut

right click the short cut, click properties, see the target line

You want to add -masterupdate, but there is a space after the " "

so it looks something like "C:/bethesdasoftpoop\fallout3\FO3edit.exe" -masterupdate


From now on this is your master update shortcut, which you should put in a folder

named master update, on the desktop, inside the master update folder

you also put a folder named master restore, inside that master restore folder

you go back to the FO3edit.exe and create another short cut, which you place

in the master restore folder, right click the short cut, click properties,

Add -masterrestore to the target line.



You put them in folders so you don't mix them up with your FO3edit

it's a different program, and you don't wana click one when you wanted the other.



So after you got a almost 100% correct load order, double click the master update

shortcut, it will run an display tons of text, any errors will be displayed as well

and the program will halt at a error.


If you get an error, there are a couple of choices,

1. ask the mod that caused the error to fix it

2. Open the mod that caused the error with GECK an set it to active

Then hope the GECK prompts to auto fix it.


Run master update again, if it still causes a error then delete the mod uninstall it

Run the master update again until it finishes without error


At which point clicking the X to close the window finalizes the process


From there you have to run master update again each time you change the load order

or add in new mods. Also look into FO3edit's read me.


To remove the master update all you do is run the masterrestore shortcut you made



So you see there is no risk

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