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Graphical Glitch

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ok so im having a strange graphical glitch and have tried to find out what it is but cant. What seems to happen is i will be walking along and all of a sudden in certain places a big "texture wall" will pop up but, it will only pup up in that area if i look a certain direction. My comp more than exceeds the requirements and i am playing with all settings at max and have no fps hic ups at all. and can play alot of better looking games at a constant 60 fps. gpu temps 73 degrees Celsius CPU temps at 55-60 degrees celcius.


comp specs:


Vista 64bit


Intel Core 2 Quad q9550 @ 2.83

8gb ddr2 @ 800


--note Fallout 3 installed via steam--


so here are the pics. as u can see when i change where i am looking it goes away.






so i hope someone can lead me in the right direction as to how to fix it and if not atleast what this is called. i dont think this is caused by any mods as i had this with vanila fo3.

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It's pretty much an error to do with the engine itself, and how the levels are built. There are lots of these glitches around the world, Fallout 3 is built like a lego city, on occasion when mapping this city parts can sometimes become overlapped. If that makes any sense?
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I think I have something similar happen in the Citadel.

When I near the Laboratory doors, the walls and related decoration (including the stairs to the dorms of the Trainee's) disappear of sight, but they are still very much there in collision.

This only happens when my draw distance for objects was put on its ultimate minimum.

Holding LMB (to zoom or look closer) oddly enough would show it, and exiting this would hide it again.


If you recognise your problem in this, try attack one single tack to the draw distance for Objects.

This fixed it for me, but version 1.5 kept resetting that to its minimum at odd moments.

Luckily I got update 1.6 now. Fixed alot of issues with DLC (.bsa listings being limited and stuff. So VERY very confusing...)

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I've seen that kind of thing before.. is it always that "regular" or does it occasionally look more triangular and jagged, as if someone had stuck a knife in the scene and ripped out a piece? If so, it'd be a sign of a rather more.. serious problem.
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I have this problem too, at the water purifier rotunda it seems if i am looking a certain heading north bound to east bound this black 2d "wall" clouds everything behind it unless i turn to a slight angle or zoom in it dissapears.


Maybe we should all address this issue with Bethesda?

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