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Cities closed at night?


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I was going to do this myself but I failed. A simple idea, cities close at night, you cannot pick the lock it would require a key, maybe when you're the thane you get a key to the city.. Not a bad idea right? Combine it with mods like frostfall and RnD I think it would add at lot.


If anyone would point me in the right direction, I'll create it, if not make it... I don't need any credit for the idea, would be nice though.

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This is a great Idea.
I was thinking exactly the same for some time :smile: but i can't make it!

There already some Guard Scripts inside the Game in Some Quest´s.When you first visit Whiterun the Guard will stop you at the Front Entrance and wont let you in untill you talk to him cause of the Dragonsproblem.
Same at Rifton when you visit the first Time.One of the Guard´s want some Cash from you or he wont let you in!

Someone could basically expand these to Timecycles and other conditions.

Edited by indipindi
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Yeah I come across the same thing, could it not be simpler though? without adding/editing scripts, everybody loves a scriptless mod.


I'm far from experienced in CK but if people can put keys on mod houses could they not apply the same technique? Excuse any ignorance I've merely looked at ck and clicked a few things.

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Oohh, I really like this idea~ Reminds me of all those times I got trapped outside at night in Ocarina of Time, haha.

This would work great with mods that add secret entrances to cities.


I'm not sure this can be done without scripts, but I'm not particularly knowledgable when it comes to this kind of thing. In any case, it's probably worth looking at how NPCs lock the doors to their homes at night.

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  • 5 months later...

I definitely like this idea as well!!! I was just looking for such a mod and found this thread ;P. I would prefer it to be more along the lines of the first time you visit Riften and have bribe or intimidate the gaurds to get in ;P. And yeah, that would also be great when used alongside shortcut mod(s)! Especially if certain towns/guards simply couldn't be bribed/intimidated or if you weren't good enough at the required skill yet ;P. Someone get on this! I can't wait!

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well here would be 2 ways i think: either lock the door like houses do t night or edit the guards so they dont let you go further/stop you with a diallogue... sound easy but u never know.

and about the scripts: allmost all mods have scripts, even the ones that say they dont (yes modauthors lie)... it depends on wt kind of script it is. I think you would need some for this mod either.

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Huh. This teems like something that would be easy. Though as someone who plays the PS3 version more than the PC due to being on a laptop I do notice some NPCs get into the city pretty late at night.

So given them it might be easier to look at some of those mods that turn off vampire attacks and set them on a timer?

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Honestly, vampires getting into a city after dark doesn't really bother all that much. I mean, they're vampire; I'm sure they have various means of entering a city. NPCs on the other hand... maybe they're doing the same thing as you (being accosted by guards and forced to state their business before being allowed entry), but you just aren't seeing ;P. That is a good reason not to simply lock the doors with a key however because then you'd probably screw up quests and have people wander around aimlessly or do whatever other crazy things they do when they can't get to to a place they're supposed to get to.

It shouldn't be too hard to duplicate the forced dialogue that the Riften guards give you the first time you try to get into the city and just use that on every guard that is guarding a gate after dark. It might be a nice touch if they attack you if you try to get around the dialogue--maybe give you a 5 bounty or something ;P.

It would be really awesome if someone could record new lines of dialogue (and new dialogue options for the player) for variation, but for now I'd be fine with just having guards stop me with that same forced dialogue every time I tried to enter a city after dark ;P. Heck maybe you could use the forced dialogue from the first time you try to enter Whiterun as well (just give the player different dialogue options of course--it wouldn't make sense to use Helgen and dragons as an excuse to be allowed entry on a nightly basis, lol ;P) for a bit of variation using vanilla assets ;P!

I wish I knew my way around the Creation Kit enough to do this, but I can barely make followers (and that doesn't even always work for whatever reason o_O) and I've tried making houses, ships and dungeons and failed, so... I wish someone with superior knowledge and skills luck ;P!

Edited by SpiderboyN2Jesus
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Honestly, vampires getting into a city after dark doesn't really bother all that much. I mean, they're vampire; I'm sure they have various means of entering a city. NPCs on the other hand... maybe they're doing the same thing as you (being accosted by guards and forced to state their business before being allowed entry), but you just aren't seeing ;P. That is a good reason not to simply lock the doors with a key however because then you'd probably screw up quests and have people wander around aimlessly or do whatever other crazy things they do when they can't get to to a place they're supposed to get to.

guys stop with the vampires! that's not what this mods about! if you had a castle at all you would lock the gates at night, that is the best time to attack a castle and if the doors are open then you're screwed. lets not forget that Skyrim is at war, no one leaves their gate open at night during war time.

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