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For those who tried the Themed Poetry


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:thumbsup: and :thanks: to Maharg67 for expressing interest in the Themed Poetry, which will from here on out be called "The Mighty TP." Well maybe not "mighty" but I will call it TP, lol


Kudos to:


Alex2avs - his first published piece! :smile:

Callighan- gave us 2 kewl pieces :thumbsup:

The Black Ninja- a very interesting piece! :ninja:

and Ancient Aeon -(another cool picture/sig tag!) :yes:



for giving it a try! Well done jobs to you all!


Last time we wrote about the serious Oblivion Gate. This week's theme is more light hearted.


Write a free verse poem or any other style of your choosing (I may try a modified limerick) to write about your mysterious easter egg and mine.........M'AIQ THE LIAR!


I'm assuming it's pronounced "my eek" if not my poetry limerick idea is all shot to hell, lol


Anyone can jump in. If anyone participates, then after this week's selections have been posted and read on this thread, I'll start a new one next week.

It doesn't hurt, and you might just crack someone up, so go on! Give 'er a try! :cool:


P.S. if my using colored and/or bolded font bothers anyone, please just say something to me and not report me! Jeez! that happened to me once on another board for bolding text, when I was only trying to make it more readable, lol

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Ok, I'm going to TRY to do a limerick. According to Wiki the definition of a limerick is as follows:


"...A limerick is a five-line poem with a strict form AABBA- rhyming pattern, which intends to be witty or humorous, and is sometimes obscene with humorous intent."


(AABBA simply means- the rhyming pattern: lines A both rhyme with each other, lines B rhyme with each other and the fifth line A rhymes with the original two AA lines.)


The following is also from Wiki and is an example of a limerick by an anonymous author. This piece shows the AABBA pattern and is a definition/demonstration of the limerick:


The limerick packs laughs anatomical

In space that is quite economical,

But the good ones I've seen

So seldom are clean,

And the clean ones so seldom are comical.



Here's my attempt:


There once was a clever Khajiit

Who went by the name of M'aiq

He was known as a great liar

which kept his feet to the fire

So none of his bold tales dare I repeat!



Ok, I've made a laughing stock of myself, it's someone else's turn, lol :P

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pointing out what is

missing and not there cause

horses are a good dinner

for M'aiq the Liar.



had to extend to four verses , to make sense . sorry for that:sweat:



LOL! Good one!


No sweat at all. If we stay true to form, it's supposed to be five lines anyway, so you're good. You gave it a try and that's the important part. Glad to see you back! You'll have a book of poetry by the time we're finished if TP truly takes off in this forum ;)


It's a great way for veteran poets to hone their craft, and for newbies who'd like to dabble in writing poetry, to jump in. So it's a win-win either way. When I first started doing it, I learned I COULD write poetry on the fly, instead of waiting for my "muse," who was very cranky and only wanted me to write poetry when she wanted and what she wanted, lol Participating in the TP type poetry really helped me to learn about poetry styles and become a better poet, even though I don't claim to be a poet. So there you have it.


You never know what you can do, until you try!

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@Netwit : thank you :)

Your limerik sounds cool ^^



M'aiq the Liar

sleeps all day in his lair.

Or does he? He slept with Alessia Caro,

or did he? Ai! He stole my skooma when he said borrow!

Either way he's certainly struck fire.


Neat !


here are some more :biggrin:

M'aiq never lied

But everyone has failed to

See the truth behind

The Tamrielic plane.


Oh , Grand Champion !

If M'aiq called you so ,

Then my friend you have been lied.



M'aiq loved his fur helm ,

Was so comfy yet so light ,

But it's gone for now.

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