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I adore Dragon Age. Its an amazing series of games and I can't wait till DA3 comes out (apparently next year)...Nite, nite all, I need my bed as I've a heavy day tomorrow xxx

Me too. I loooooooooooooooooooooooooove Dragon Age. And I can't wait for DA3.

Goodnight naomis! :P


Edit: Apparently my disc drive is dying... :down:

Its not picking up the disc and it freezes up the My Computer window. Got it working after opening and closing it a few times. lol

Edit: Grrrrr... Its still not letting me run the disc. It shows up now but it freezes up the window still. I think I can download it through Origin... Can't remember though... >.> Anyone know if that's right? You can register your discs and they are downloadable through that?

Edit: Oh great. Now there is an error stuck on my screen. I DON'T WANT TO TRY PUTTING THE DISC IN ANYMORE!!! That's why I clicked cancel!!! And the X button and Try Again and Continue but nothing... Makes... This... Go... The... Hell... Away...

Benefits of a 7 year old computer. Bam.


Did you get yourself sorted???


@Dirk45: I would have Florida over the UK any day of the week, year, century etc etc etc...

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As soon as me pillow touches me hair, sleep runs away.

Me legs want to chase after, me arms want to flail.

Yet I find meself barely awake, tired in the middle O' the day.

I'm a search'n for the rest and peace I know to be just beyond the vale.

The sheep don't count toward me rest.

Soft music, babbling brook neither will take.

The ancient draugr lays upon me breast.

She sleeps and her I dare not wake.

For at least one of us may have sleep.

More and more, I find

that with my troubled mind,

the seeds I sow, I cannot reap.




It's getting to be that awful time in Florida when the autumn air stays high and nights are comfortable outdoors but inside it's just the wrong temperature and the humidity doesn't help. The air conditioning won't kick in and it's too humid to open the windows, balls to Florida, BALLS!


I don't mind having dreams, but I would like to sleep just a little longer so I am, "Well Rested" after I get out of bed. *Yawn* Have you ever awakened and said, "Just fifteen more minutes. Please!" Well I intend to try and rig a video camcorder to take dream sleep messages so I can sleep just few more minutes uninterrupted by dreams or reality. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif


Now watch! Someone will invent it before I do and it will seem like they stole the idea because I wrote my idea down here first just before their invention went public. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif

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morning, back to report sleep status, awake: yup but now i am going to bed http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif Edited by Thor.
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