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My mind is now on the people in America who will not have a happy Halloween due to the storm on the east coast and have much to do to get the towns and city's and homes back to normal. i know this will be days in some cases weeks.
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My City was hit and it had its power on through out the entire storm, hrrm go our local hydro company http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif 60kmh winds and the power stayed on, not even a flicker.




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My mind is now on the people in America who will not have a happy Halloween due to the storm on the east coast and have much to do to get the towns and city's and homes back to normal. i know this will be days in some cases weeks.

It's going to be really slow...


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Yes, I've been watching the news on and off all day. It has frightened and concerned me for all those I know over the pond. My thoughts and love are with them all. I hope that it will be over soon so the real work can start and people can get back to normal as soon as possible.
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Apparently Disney have bought Lucas Arts, and there will be a 7th Star Wars film. Good news though I suspect with Disney running the show, there will be a far greater role for the Ewoks in the next Star Wars film


I win.

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you will crack soon, theres over 1000 of them.




This one the scariest of them all, it even scared me





MUA HA HA H AH HA HA http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/devil.gif

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