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You know that thing where you wake up, you can see and hear but not completely and your arms and legs are still power lines Paulo lies paralyzed. I both hate and love that feeling. It goes away in like five seconds but it's so surreal.




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I had a hard chess battle and I'm still recovering from it... see rules above!

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I had a hard chess battle and I'm still recovering from it... see rules above!


now THAT is chess!


this guy obviously played far too much chess xD


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I am an evolved creature that does not need Ethyl Alcohol to have an incredible headache in the morning. :biggrin:


lemme guess you just bang your head on the wall for an hour before you go to sleep :laugh:


Johnny was a chemist's son but he is no more...

What Johnny thought was H2O was H2SO4...


Basically, Johnny was an idiot


hahahahahahahahahahahaaaa that should not make me laugh as much as it does, but oh god it does xD ferkin brilliant sig werne

Edited by tredmillion
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