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The last poster wins


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Guess what i'm getting tomorrow





Don't be afraid if the EA thing, ea is just the distributor

I thought about getting that, but the fact that my internet doesn't like games at daytime ruins any game that has a subscription, plus the subscription those are yucky :yucky: . I'll stick to this http://www.guildwars2.com/

Already pre-ordered and ready to roll! :thumbsup:

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No origin or steam, its a stand alone mmo, EA just helping with the shipping...


Also i rather have a disk version anyway. :thumbsup:


Actually you can preorder it from Origins, I see no reason for Funcom to untilize digital distribution.

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Well I take your win that you took from Werne just for awhile to keep for myself! :biggrin:

Brokenergy!!! You made me look dumb :( Now my post is in the wrong spot

Edited by K00L
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Oh thank you for that. :(

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