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A simple wind I cut...Ha ha ha!



you ok, man? youve been making sense lately

anyways i will sensenotmake for you


Calliton perched on the side of the building, his feet grabbing a flag pole. As he jumps off the wall he crashes into Pagafyr, draining his ability to confound and confuse... the black kidney strikes again!

Gargle gag cough, ban calliton for such a long ban post.


I discovered I had a bit of inflamed gums. I did not feel anything wrong. I tried a new kind of tooth pick, called, "BrushPicks" and relieved a bit of a surprise mess between two new teeth caps I have that are about a year old. After I I relieved the pressure and used good ole Hydrogen Peroxide to clean between there I began to feel bit cozier. Until a few minutes ago. Immediately hit the works and started looking for another bit of trouble. Sure enough, the little bugs that seem to be freaking out my brain cells were having their way with me again. Washed them out again I will, with h202 in a bit. No drugs for me I get confused by pain enough as it is it appears. Crying on th inside without a sense of what was happening to me myself. Weird!


Now that I think about it, I wonder how long I have been posting here that the problem seems to be clearly apparent?


Thanks for asking.



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How do you do it, making no sense that is, please teach me :biggrin:


Wait until the pain sensors which are not working correctly for me, because I can't feel certain parts of my body as well, recuperate to their present day norm. If all my nerves were healthy as yours, ( I'm supposing your healthy ) the pain you would feel if you had what i have now the pains would probably send you to the medicine cabinet for a couple strong pain pills. I can't feel pains all over my body like I used to because of an accident.


Now I have discovered how a part of my body I had not known was included in the area where I can not feel pain as much has surprised me with a bundle of sour notes. As soon as they quit causing brain buzzing, or whatever, which is distorting my thinking...I probably wont be able to teach you.




Xcuse me if I don't post anymore for a few days. At least I have confirmed what is causing me these twisted verses. So I will remove my thought and type no more for few days or until, if ever, my mind fully recovers from this trying experience.

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I just got a shot. Some antibiotic. I am typing on my laptop as the doctor and nurse are leaving the room. :ermm: .. :drag: .............



"Yeess nuurrsss.

"What was that other shot you gave him?"

"He seemed quite excited so I gave him a shot of....


Thor a zine.... :huh: :ohmy: o_O :smile: :stupid: :P :mellow: :turned:

Fast forward...You forgot to type... LOL LOL


I Win!

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big word zine :biggrin:


A zine (an abbreviation of the word fanzine, or magazine; pronounced /ˈziːn/ "zeen") is most commonly a small circulation publication of original or appropriated texts and images. More broadly, the term encompasses any self-published work of minority interest usually reproduced via photocopier on a variety of colored paper stock.


A popular definition includes that circulation must be 5,000 or less, although in practice the significant majority are produced in editions of less than 100, and profit is not the primary intent of publication.


Zines are written in a variety of formats, from computer-printed text to comics to handwritten text (an example being Cometbus). Print remains the most popular zine format, usually photo-copied with a small circulation. Topics covered are broad, including fanfiction, politics, art and design, ephemera, personal journals, social theory, single topic obsession, or sexual content far enough outside of the mainstream to be prohibitive of inclusion in more traditional media. The time and materials necessary to create a zine are seldom matched by revenue from sale of zines. Small circulation zines are often not explicitly copyrighted and there is a strong belief among many zine creators that the material within should be freely distributed. In recent years a number of photocopied zines have risen to prominence or professional status and have found wide bookstore and online distribution. Highly notable among these are Giant Robot, Dazed & Confused, Bust, female dog (magazine) and Maximum RocknRoll.


i win

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