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Ah yes! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif Camping. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif I had to have my feet checked too before going on a hiking trial camp out. The doctor did not want any our group of us going out for our animal badges getting ingrown toenails while we were out there for a week.


Work around? Stop eating food that ruins your teeth or brush after every time you eat something, even if you're just chewing on a nail you just bit off with your teeth. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ermm.gif Just brush your teeth, you don't need tooth paste every time. And Rinse. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sick.gif

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i BRUSH regular... It was a accident, chipped a tooth during ahhh errr i don't wanna mention it, it was horrifying :teehee: Nah not really just soomething that happened out of random.:wallbash: Edited by Thor.
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i BRUSH regular, it was a accident, chipped a tooth during ahhh errr i don't wanna mention it, it was horrifying :teehee: nah not really just soomething that happened out of random.


Ack! I accidentally got smacked in the face with my own fishing rod once when the line broke and the fish got away.


So, how does this work? I just say "I win!"? :P


Figure I would help with this world record attempt :)


You can say anything that you feel comfortable saying, just put an emoticon in the space, or do a terrific design with the tools you know how to use. Or if you are like me and struggling with crayons still, or able to use the various tools this area provides.


Nice to see you here!





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i BRUSH regular, it was a accident, chipped a tooth during ahhh errr i don't wanna mention it, it was horrifying :teehee: nah not really just soomething that happened out of random.


I've chipped a tooth rolling off my bed an landing on my jaw.... The left side (the one I landed on) hurt so much for like 2 weeks or so >.< it was terrible.


And then another one because I was an idiot when we were hunting and I smacked my face into a tree :facepalm:

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