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Oh! I am saved the inside air now feel like 24c or 75 degrees F. While the temperature outside is now 35.38889c or 95.7 F. I just looked outside via my computers video camera and the wind is really blustering. I suspect a storm is brewing in the northeast as the wind is coming from that direction. I think I will buy a bunch of balloon's and some Helium tanks and sail to Angel falls in search of another Red one! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif


What? No one else has seen the movie, "UP"? Blue one, or red one.

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This is a really bad day for me. A good friend of mine died in Afghan this morning, in an ambush. On top of that, my girlfriend has some health issues, I have financial problems, the bank is threatening to take my house and I'm currently considering sticking a pencil in my eye to see will I feel better.


And you know what's the worst part of all that? This crappy situation I'm in is not going to get better any time soon, it can only get worse.


So, how was your day?

sorry to hear that :sad:

and pencil is not a good idea! If you want the real PAIN just play 9 hours a day or more, sitting on a leather chair. :wink:

ps. My days are as boring and as same as they were all the times

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mmmm soo comfy office chair, not your average chair either, leather and so comfy :turned:I made sure this one would last forever, rated for 400 pounds :teehee: Edited by Thor.
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sorry to hear that

I was sorry to hear that too. But you know the saying, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I ain't dead (not yet, anyway) so I shold be stronger. I don't feel any stronger though.


and pencil is not a good idea! If you want the real PAIN just play 9 hours a day or more, sitting on a leather chair.

Nah, that works too slow.


ps. My days are as boring and as same as they were all the times

I wish my days are boring but they aren't. Every single day has a different way of driving me insane and throwing another problem onto a big pile of problems I have already.

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mmmm soo comfy office chair, not your average chair either, leather and so comfy :turned:I made sure this one would last forever, rated for 400 pounds :teehee:


Oh! Please good sir! Could you help save an animal that is bound to go into extinction if we don't do something fast. It's horrible good sir!

You know if we could just get more cows to donate their skin the crisis could be averted and the methane reduction from the out put of cows would cut our worlds heat down by a superior 2%. Yes that is correct sir, cows methane gas production is responsible for our planets temperature rise by a whooping 2%. Their numbers are in the billions and they are being tamed for pets and people aren't eating as many burgers, T-bone steaks, and rump roast, or sirloin steaks like they used to so their numbers are growing fast.

If we could just get more car dealers to use real leather instead the poor animals of the wild wood that are near extinction, because a pact put on cows to protect them from slaughter by a bunch of vegetarians. We could save the poor little Naugadeers.

The Naugadeer which many of the auto seat cover car shops use are bringing them close to extinction. Their pleather is invaluable to the hot rod swap shops and is bringing the poor Naugadeer to smaller and smaller numbers.

Oh! Please good sir! Won't you donate $00.00 a month to save them.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif

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Nah, that works too slow.

yeah, but after having it; you cant walk, cant stand, cant sleep (in any position), cant sit, and you cant even SNEEZE!!

it would be SO remarkable you would not forget it till your last breath. :facepalm:

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its not real leather atleast i dont think it is ???



Meh i stabbed myself in the hand with a pencil once, pshh none toxic graphite :teehee: it was entirely an accident :teehee:



Funny thing is i can still see the graphite stuck inside the skin, wierd as itsincased 5 layers of it :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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