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You could dump your entire data folder to steam, its that simple...


I can transfer 12gb in 5 minutes :teehee: 30gb in 24m on my ssd i trnsfered 50gb in 5 minutes :teehee: no joke, or was it 10??

Edited by Thor.
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You could dump your entire data folder to steam, its that simple...


I can transfer 12gb in 5 minutes :teehee: 30gb in 24m on my ssd i trnsfered 50gb in 5 minutes :teehee: no joke, or was it 10??


I've got 22 GB of mods and that would take rughly 2 and a half hours to transfer on my hard drive. Plus, I'd be cursing steam like I do every time I launch Skyim, one of the reasons I don't play it anymore.

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Hmm just fro the heck of it i am going to transfer 60gb of data to and from my pc, from momentus and ssd, see what happens.. :teehee:





It calculated 35m to transfer 45gb from standard drive to my Momentus ssd hybrid whitch is my c drive from my E drive :teehee:

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wooooowwww 23 guests, come on in. Please make yourself at home, come on and log in for a change, please 20 of ya posting at once we can do this :teehee:


I feel lonely, please, please, please, please type something.







still pressing f5 key, still no posts :facepalm: f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 5f

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