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Anyone have their Steam set to online? Technically the 30 day exclusivity is up, and If Dawnguard is, or is about to be released, I have some work to do removing my ~60 manually installed mods, updating, and installing mod utilities (Wrye Bash, BOSS, and NMM), ordering new video card, reinstalling higher res mods, then going bonkers installing all the other mods I've been watching. Ahh the to do list of love. So anyone know anything on when Dawnguard rolls out for PC?
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This is my version of legal concept of I have for sharing. Don't! Read anything I write about unless... like I said in the following. Just be careful what you pick up from reading links like the one there next to here in the here and now. Somewhere near there where I wrote near. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mellow.gif


Have all of you had your Pineal Gland properly cleaned lately? If you like the way you are do not click on this link here. Right to the right of here, here. No don't click on it at all if you think everything is okay with the way you are. Okay?! So don't click on the link of which I am telling you not to right next to here. You won't want to do it anyway because you probably won't feel any trust for the stranger I am not trust worthy of yet because I just found this link there, right next to the word here. How to Clean Up the Pineal Gland http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif



Don't read it! Don't believe any of it! It's worse then Meme! Believe me?! Why would you want to believe me?! I just found the link when I Googled the word's, "Pineal Gland". So don't click on there next to here for any reason unless you feel out of sorts with yourself and you could find out it really is a good connection. Don't ask me! I just found it and haven't even finished reading the whole 1st page of the web page yet. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif


This is about a legal as it gets for me to protect you and me here. Okay?! Now?!



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hey pagafyr, what happened to you??!

Your posts are SHORT??!!!SFDCFDAJGBJHTFDD :wacko: :wacko:


I had to give my brain a rest. I had to lean toward that notion that this is my own test. I had to, I had to, or mad too I might have become as the tired creative juice maker in my brain was running dry I began to whine and moan. I did not want to groan and cry so I hid to stop and WONder WHY?!http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif


Whose brain can I find some spare creative thinking juice they are not using? Hmm?


It's madness, the gladness! The grueling mind becomes saddest because the juice gets low and then I go out of my mind and whine. WINe?


WINe?! That's It! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif


I forgot to drink the WINe!


Where did everyone go? I was only joking I am not going to sink my long creative juice straw into anyone's head and drain their creative juice out of their Hypothalamus.I would not do that! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/devil.gif Besides it is the pineal gland, the third eye, that is the factory in the brain that makes the juices we need to do all of the things we do. I think?

thats more like it :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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