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The last poster wins


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It's like UK is protecting the olympic stadium from a massive millitary assault, not a few terrorists. Fighter jets, surface-to-air missile instalations, military forces, warships, helicopters, police forces, security companies, they're only missing tanks, artillery and drones. In fact, maybe they have tanks, artillery and drones, seeing as how they used every available piece of military equipment in the country.


Anyone else thinks that there's too much security?

ugh come on, as long as those bastards live to take the lives of the people away, even that would not be enough! :dry:

I mean what the **** do they want??! What will they get by killing people?? :mad:

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ugh come on, as long as those bastards live to take the lives of the people away, even that would not be enough! :dry:

I mean what the **** do they want??! What will they get by killing people?? :mad:

That one's simple, fear. Fear is the most effective weapon on the battlefield.


Who would you be more afraid of, a trained soldier with moral principles that fears you as much as you fear him or a soldier that has no fear, cares about nothing and no one, has no principles whatsoever and the only thing he wants is to inflict as much damage as possible?


I think the answer is obvious.


revenge??! What revenge?? What are they revenging for??! What have we done to them?!! WHY??!!

That one's easy too. Tell me, how much do you know about the crusades (that's ancient history, but still)? About creation of Israel after WWII? War in Afghanistan? War in Iraq? Threatening Iran with sanctions? War in every f***ing direction you look?


There's one thing connecting many of these wars, western superpowers. They either start them, chose a side and fight in them, or just throw gasoline on the fire instead of trying to put it out. I bet if they were to stop acting like that, there would be much less terrorists wanting to blow them up in the world.


Anyway, I win. Now, we should leave these things for the debates section and just win in peace.

Edited by Werne
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i know more than anyone here about history, im sure! :wink:

anyway i think i figured out what made most of these problems BUT, i cant mention it here. You're right i cut it off.

i still could go on but neither here nor the debate section is SAFE for that, if anybody's intrested just pm me

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I'm always interested, unfortunately I'm unable to start a PM conversation (darn browser doesn't allow me to send PMs :verymad:). I can reply if I receive one but can't start a conversation.



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