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Let's have some smilies :D :D

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I read them every day. I check back during the day, just to keep up.

Some of them are quite amusing :)

Mee too, there's arount 20 bans per day so reading through them all is quite a fun. I mostly read them just so I can see the moderator edits in posts, like this one:

wtf is this ?


EDIT by LHammonds: It is the ban hammer of doom being slammed on top of your account.

LHammons is my favourite moderator, he always has good comments :biggrin:


I especially like waiting for the ban to show up on people that I report for piracy.

I don't know why, but I just like reporting people when they do something wrong. If I like them, I'll warn them about the rules but if I don't, I use the report button. Then I sit back, relax and wait for the notice.

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Hammonds is a cool gent and an amazing computer person. He's helped me more than once.




He hates pirates too

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There's always this as an deterrent



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There's always this as an deterrent



I made a 3D model of that thing, it just needs a good texture but I can't make good textures :(

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yeah, going to bed soon but am writing so what can I say, muse going at it like



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