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LOL random kudos lol ya i had a fiew that i had no idea who gave'em to me, not that i am complaining or something http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif
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Borderlands 2, borderlands 2 borderlands 2, borderlands , borderlands 2 Borderlands 2, borderlands 2 borderlands 2, borderlands , borderlands 2

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My Internet Tech professor does!He also gives us verbal tests every week. Yup, we get grades every week from him. On top of that, he's also very cold and creepy, but also happy all the time.His classes stress me so much it's maddening. But besides him, everything else is great.Personal off topic stuff:Besides that, I signed up for additional classes for Adobe InDesign, I found an University perfect for me not far from here, I will (hopefully) additionally to my current project create a game for Windows Phone 7 with another guy and go to the Imagine Cup with it. I'm already far far far ahead of my classmates, I'm starting HTML5, CSS3 and Java Script soon in my free time, also will try doing some apps for the iOS system (Objective-C I think). Not doing all at once ofc, but I'll do that this year.Yup, doing good. :biggrin:

Yeah its awful when teachers do that. Especially if you had to remember random percentages. And my physics teacher was kind of like that, except he didn't give tests every week we just had a syllabus full of crap to do every single day. There were like two days that didn't have work. I hated that class and I failed a few tests in there. At the end of the year (this was just in May by the way) I got with my other senior friends (at least those of us who had to take the final) and we corrected our old tests together (well three of use pretty much constantly asked two others what was the right answer xD ). Honestly I never felt dumber in a class than there.

I remember the computer classes I took, but its been at least three years since then. We had multimedia and web design and two more general classes. I thought web design would kill me, but it was really easy once I read the examples.

Glad you found a university and some classes you want to take. Good luck with your game as well. :)


Uh......I didn't understand most of that :tongue: ...... but............Im doing well at school. Best in my french class. My business teacher/form tutor said that I WILL get a C or above and geography's going well too.

French? My school only had one language, AMERICAN. No I'm just kidding. We had Spanish and that was the only foreign language. Such an easy class and people always complained in it. >.> Oh that's every class back then, I didn't even complain about physics when I had a 62% there. LOL Of course it probably has to do with me not giving a s*** about that class. I seriously goofed off so much in there. Yeah... Probably shouldn't have sit near... Anyone. I'm too talkative. D: Once my English teacher moved me in front of her desk by her teacher's assistant who was a senior that year (I was like a freshman?). Still didn't fix the problem. xD I got along with people too easily. The TA cut the teachers hair too and we both busted out laughing and the whole class stared at us and the teacher was just in shock.


Options for PE at my school- Football, touch football or ozzie football.......they said they wanted variety..........peh.......

Weights or PE. Oh or weights for varsity sports players. My PE class was fun, only because my teacher was probably on drugs and didn't care what we did 90% of the year. But people still failed because they sat around everyday. I pretty much played basketball all year. Me and a few friends decided that it was actually NBA practice because we would start Missouri's next NBA team. xD


Uh. So I kind of just started typing and this thing in the spoiler (and above, just the thing in the spoiler was more random. Next time I'll speak of Jello or perhaps bagles) spewed out. Unless you want insight into my social life of high school avoid it. I was bored and I'm tired and I love to write so sometimes these things just happen. :P



Good times. Now I see no one I know and am sloooowly getting to know a few people at college. :\

Yeah I am one of those people who misses high school. Of course EVERYONE liked me even people I didn't like which is awkward if you didn't know that. Okay there was one person who didn't like me. Even someone who I really really didn't like and only really put up with him said I was his friend. What?

Lol I don't know why people felt that way. According to my favorite teacher (he had awesome stories) I was "nice and cared about everyone around" and "always made everyone feel better and had a good sense of humor." I had people tell me after I won court-warming king just how much I won by, and by people I mean everyone I knew who got to count the votes, but I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. Okay I got at least three entire classes to vote for me. I won by... A lot. Like, even if the others running had their votes combined I would have won by an extreme amount. I was a little freaked out at that point that I was so popular and didn't know it. I had never really thought about that. I just talked to everyone. I was always nice because it was too much work to be mean even if I didn't like the person. Except for that one person I mentioned who didn't like me. a**hole. All I have to say. Of course that's why he hated me, because I was an a**hole. Which was obviously why I even got along with people who everyone else made fun of. Holy s*** I didn't want to type this much. <.< Would you like the rest of my social life and/or high school history? xD I'm done and I'll stick this in a spoiler. Because it would seem like a waste to delete after typing it all our.


And now I'm gonna sleep.


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Damn, I got another Kudo from somebody. I don't know what it's for so I don't know if my bad behavior is being rewarded or not.


I asked Bobby Dylan, I asked the Beatles, maybe this guy can help me:



Guess who he is.


Post Script: It's not Timothy Leary, for you people who listen to The Who.


http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif I got! I got!






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Okay seriously bed time now. Good night everyone. Talk to you later! :D

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