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Soooo.... I uh... went out to my car after college. And... Took a picture then sat for like ten minutes doing this.



Then I got home and took a picture of... Fruit... This is what happens when my new phone has a camera... And apps.


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I think its time to re-install my Dragon Age games... I just looked at my screenshots from Origins and... Yeah, I really want to play it. Again. :biggrin:

If I had the Mass Effect games on my PC they would never be uninstalled. xD

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I adore Dragon Age. Its an amazing series of games and I can't wait till DA3 comes out (apparently next year)...


Nite, nite all, I need my bed as I've a heavy day tomorrow xxx

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I adore Dragon Age. Its an amazing series of games and I can't wait till DA3 comes out (apparently next year)...Nite, nite all, I need my bed as I've a heavy day tomorrow xxx

Me too. I loooooooooooooooooooooooooove Dragon Age. And I can't wait for DA3.

Goodnight naomis! :P


Edit: Apparently my disc drive is dying... :down:

Its not picking up the disc and it freezes up the My Computer window. Got it working after opening and closing it a few times. lol

Edit: Grrrrr... Its still not letting me run the disc. It shows up now but it freezes up the window still. I think I can download it through Origin... Can't remember though... >.> Anyone know if that's right? You can register your discs and they are downloadable through that?

Edit: Oh great. Now there is an error stuck on my screen. I DON'T WANT TO TRY PUTTING THE DISC IN ANYMORE!!! That's why I clicked cancel!!! And the X button and Try Again and Continue but nothing... Makes... This... Go... The... Hell... Away...

Benefits of a 7 year old computer. Bam.

Edited by K00L
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5 4 3 2 1 6 time to die, just kidding http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif Quote from arena





I beat the ore chasm with grenades smg's, snipers and pistils,rocket guns also rocket launchers at lv 27 noobs. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif I pretty much used all types of weapons, if i ran out, i went to option 3.

Edited by Thor.
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