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Hey everybody cheer up and watch this :laugh:



I think my EA account is broken. D: Its saying I don't own some of the DAO content and until I sign in with a profile that has it I can't play that stuff... :down:

I've tried every possible email... Unless my brothers signed in and ended up stealing my damn game by doing that.


Edit: Yeah my account is just screwed up. According to my Bioware profile I'm using the right EA account for all the extra content. :confused:

Edit: Oh cool. Its not my account. Its my computer (surprise surprise). Apparently the DAUpdaterSVC isn't installed and damn command prompt is telling me the location is invalid when I try to install it. I am about to destroy this computer...

Edited by K00L
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Hey everybody cheer up and watch this



Funny but now I'm depressed because there aren't laser bears in Lord of the Rings.

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I am one step away from becoming a dullard and peacefully sleeping my life away.


That is a scary idea right now since I have spent so much of my life looking to become a member of some group only to learn more about them then they cared for me to know.


So I am stupider today and that is because I still have a few things that show me I know nothing currently about what is causing me curiosity. Curiosity is a just stupidity before I learn about what I see making me stop to ponder what is so stupid-afying me.


Now if someone were to hit me on the head and knock me senseless then I would be stupid then too. Stupider for not ducking and dodging until the other baby stopped throwing a tantrum and waving their fists, kicking their feet, and sending everything near them flying about and around us.


DUCK and DODGE avoid collisions! Good advice for people who want to finish their calm study of life without losing their place during their time of study.


Ah I am having a moment of peaceful dullard stupid silent calm. What a joy!


Okay! Enough of that! I want some action! So I am heading my Blue Box over to an Inn where there's ruckus which I know I can turn into another peaceful dull quiet noiseless place after I get into the ruckus for a day or two. You can't scare me you, you... Oh! You can, but I will find another way around your frightening actions or appearance until I figure it out.


Until I figure it out, everybody, RUN! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif

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Hey everybody cheer up and watch this



Funny but now I'm depressed because there aren't laser bears in Lord of the Rings.


Sharks with lazor beams are better, proven fact.

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