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The last poster wins


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Varric: "I swear it was this big!"


Isabella: "No way. I've had hundreds of those in my hands, but none that big."


Hawke: "... What are you two talking about?"


Varric: "Knives of course. Well, specifically daggers. Why? What did you think we were talking about?..."



Funny lines make me laugh and sad parts make me teary. I said it wouldn't again, but it did! :( Bioware stop adding sadness to your games its depressing me.

I need another funny line... Ooo this one was pretty good, and I'll steal an image from IGN. Its only part of the conversation between Anders and Sebastian about the latter's armor. lol I almost died when I heard it. (Okay I beat it earlier today again so this is kind of late but I really have nothing else to post about! Besides WINNING of course.)



I'll go sleep now because I am like getting really... Like when you... Nevermind I'm laughing a lot. Its hard to type. Its late. And mhmmmmm.... I got nothing else to say.

Good night Nexus peeps! :P

Edited by K00L
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