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Feed a cold and starve a fever. You must eat and drink as it flushes your system faster... For a fever you have to sweat it out and try to keep cool until the fever breaks, then you eat for the world :D


Even if its soup or a pot noodle so long as you get something inside you, you'll be fine. Another good thing to have is chocolate and/or sucking sweets. Releases carbs and happy enzymes that help keep you feeling good even when you feel ruddy awful :)

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Here you go a really bad movie with some Humour twisted into it.

I remember seeing those on TV with my dad before.


And Iv000 I wish I would have taken some classes I actually cared about but... Yeah, I didn't. Art History is kind of interesting. I like the pictures... >.> And its easy.
Lol, I was thinking you'd choose something you're interested in for college :PI had a D in Art History >.> Not because of the Art part, but because of the History part.Also, CS50X is epic awesomeness and I love Google Chrome. :DNow I really hate the education system here.

There really isn't much interesting to take at my college. Most of the classes were cancelled and the ones that are open are fairly basic. This college requirements are:



If you pass that you're in. lol

Of course I get to go for free soooo I really can't complain.


Just founds this, I had no idea this was ready yet :unsure:

I saw that on TV last night. Er.. Wait... Sunday night. That's when it was. While watching The Walking Dead. I think. >.>

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http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif Getting my haircut today, dange its long.. Gets in between my ears, also yes i have hair if anyone asks http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif Edited by Thor.
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