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@ dirk45

You don't sleep with your weapons in the same bed ? do you ? I hope not, because nothing can be as cuddly in bed as caltrop's.

Edited by SilverDNA
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@ dirk45

You don't sleep with your weapons in the same bed ? do you ? I hope not, because nothing can be as cuddly in bed as caltrop's.

Yeah, they really help stop me from tossing and turning.


Thor., glad you are feeling better.


Also, unrelated to the two previous conversational paradigms, in XCOM I just killed Van Doorn1 by accidentally hitting a van with a laser sniper. My British sniper, Emma "Witch" Watson, had a 95% chance to kill a thin man but instead did the womanly thing2 and head-shotted the van that Van Doorn hides behind. She was the last soldier for the turn so I had to watch in horror as the thin men jumped around and went into overwatch only to have my turn begin with Van Doorn going boom. The last auto-save was currupted, so I started a new game. I hate technology today.




1 I can only assume everyone sees Van Doorn at some point as I have encountered him on every playthrough. If not, then he's one of the dudes to rescue in a special Council missions.

2 Only joking, I don't really think women always miss when shooting things with a laser sniper rifle.

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