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Apparently Disney have bought Lucas Arts, and there will be a 7th Star Wars film. Good news though I suspect with Disney running the show, there will be a far greater role for the Ewoks in the next Star Wars film


I win.


Manly tears....they have been shed....I dread this news....

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See I don't know about that, Disney has been known to show an odd competence with acquired Intellectual property as far as autonomy is concerned. I mean the Marvel movies aren't terrible and god knows that Star Wars would be better off out of George Lucas' stagnant mess of a mind(all due respect). It could be a good move provided it's focus is Star Wars fans first and then Disney fans as almost an afterthought.
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Question, in Skyrim does the rain, rain around you the npc, or in the entire world. the illusion of rain or dynamic rain. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif
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I lost interest after star wars the original trilogy, the ones not edited by lucas himself.

Lucas only Directed/Edited A New Hope. He found the experience to be too stressful so he handed off the responsibilities to other parties.

His involvement is irrelivent to the quality of the editing/directing of the classics, he wrote them all.


I'd like to point out that the Star Wars universe is best left to people other than George Lucas. For example Knights of the Old Republic is, in my humblest of opinions, the finest Star Wars story told, a story which Lucas only greenlighted, he was not involved other than creating Star Wars. Another example (as far as writing) is the Clone Wars Cartoon Network series, it shows that Anakin and Obi-Wan could have been written (and sometimes acted) in a way that wouldn't make the prequels hard to watch. Granted it's aimed at kids, but it preforms better as a cohesive piece of entertainment, than anything else Star Wars on the big screen since 1989.


Don't believe that George Lucas is the problem? Look at Howard the Duck, American Graffiti, Willow, or better yet the remake of THX1138 compared to the original, it's clear Lucas lost his soul/talent after his falling out with Francis Ford Coppala. The Indiana Jones movies were really only saved, well the first three, by Steven Speilberg's level of involvement. Lucas became a mynock on his own flagships.


Oh, I better make it clear: :geek:



Later on.

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Sometimes I think my brain takes drugs without me knowing. Who knew a mirror could been so funny. Sometimes I laugh at nothing. I crack myself up without trying. And now I'm tiiiiiiiiiired like crazy.


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