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Found an old copy of the first book I wrote. :dance: I can finally fix it up and have it ready to be publish in a few months...if I had my computer....
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My friend wrote the majority of a book when he was but a tween. From time to time he'll read excerpts from it and we lose our minds. It's funny because he's a writer now and it was TERRIBLE, imaginative and probably better than most kids would write but terrible none the less -Well, better than Eragon. To this day anytime we hear someone utter the line, "And one for good measure." we can't prevent the laughing fit. :laugh:

At about the same time I was basically writing Gundam Wing/Mobile Suit Gundam: 8th MS Team fanfiction novella. It didn't involve any of the series characters but it was heavily based on the concepts and I aped most of the plot points. Save for the fact it was about fifty pages and the words were chunked into only five or six paragraphs, my technique wasn't that bad. If I had bothered to edit it, I may have been the next Ira Baldwin1. But hey, at least I could let the words flow then. I've had writer's block for eleven years. :dry: I think school killed my muse, whatever it was. Stupid Flanders School.


1 Ira Baldwin is the fifth Baldwin brother. He does not exist.

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