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Its buy to p[play like guild wars 2.





Once you have it, its yours


It has some of the most advanced features in any game, like Directx11 and real time dynamic environments that are endless, you can travel to other worlds in real time without loading screens.


I'm a gonna buy it witht the gold edition, the 75$ one, they deserve it. Plus you get i think 2 copies if the game and other freebies along with it.


Such a big game with such a small development team, 4 at max.



If you think about it, the endlessness of the game has not been done before, its stuff that they could simulate other worlds in real time. Like for science.

At first I was like ----- it's Minecraft with slightly better gameplay and graphics ----- Then I was like ---- Pffffft I can see it getting really frustrating and nauseating floating through space forever because something kicked you out of orbit. ---- Finally I was like FREE OKAY!

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DUUUDDEE!!! it has to be the most realistic atmospheric simulation i have ever seen, especially for a game. Even nasa you see those science videos and compared to this..


Especially the most detailed of its kind.

Edited by Thor.
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Yeah, REAL INFINITE SPACE! and UN-COLONIZED PLANETS! ARE. BORING. And when they say can create anything, that's a lie. You can create what they have already created, even if it is a vast number of possibilities it's still finite and controlled. At best this StarForge is an impressive tech demo or thought experiment or a toy, the survival mode and base capture barely constitute a game.


Sure, you could endlessly wander and kill aliens - but procedurally generated landscapes don't usually offer a lot of variation. So what happens when you've circumnavigated the planet you started on and you're tired of the whole process?


Don't get me wrong, It's nice that a small team can put something together with this much imagination and it's fair to say they've made a decent looking game for how small the group is. However there's a certain point where, "well, you have to take this into account" doesn't cut it.


Besides, it looks like something my computer would look at and go, "oh hell no - I can't do that, Dave." Then my computer would light up a cigarette, start shaking, sobbing and randomly downloading various virus ridden gaysian porn PDFs.


In summary: 2/10 would not pay to play.


Painfully "Realistic" :geek: ≠ FUN :dance:

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