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Raising your arm giving the sign, "Power to the People" 10,000 times will get you one arm that is much more muscular then the other.

So will masturbation http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif


And I'm not much of a fan of Christian rock, I'm more into stuff like this:




This song also perfectly describes my view of Christianity.

Edited by Werne
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I thought Skillet was rebelling against the Christianized foibles of picture perfect being's.


Appearances are deceiving us every where we look. That goes even 10,000 times more for women.


Looks like you're still playing in the safe zone. Have you had a face lift, a chin tuck, some tattoo's, metal implanted in your body art, or maybe you just like giving everyone else the false impression you have had a little, "bull talk" lately.?


All that cosmetic surgery to make us normal people look like the perfect likeness for the Californication Transformation's Doesn't matter who I am a fan of, all the bands I have watched have to say, by painting their faces every night for their concert's, or tattooing them self for the show until they go off stage and wash off all the paint. I respect those people who have tattoo's which play in the band,.


I just don't respect people who try to make us feel that we aren't good looking enough in their advertising which is always suggesting we who aren't painted, cosmetically enhanced are little monster's.

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