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The last poster wins


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I WIN?! Really?!


Is it because I still have faith in my own common sense?

Nah, if it was, then you lost it somewhere down the road. I win now.

I'm glad I did not stop eating the nutritious food I just finished to follow what someone else suggested we all do.


What the others suggested did not appeal to me. I knew they would take some of my food if I strayed from it long. I finished and I saw they were all crying to mother for another share of dinner after I ate my share. I went to see what might be for desert and found that during their folly to try and trick me out of mine I found one of them had left a little on their plate so I got some of theirs.


Common sense Rules!

Don't tell anybody I told you this.

I think the people who wrote the

original copy of the U. S. of A.

Bill of Rights

were using common sense

when they did it.

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GAASSSP!!! no googlers at this time, i must of sparked something when i mentioned Altavista lol.


strange catalyst control centre crashed on me, feels like a botched install to me, which isn't good. Sigh well at least a know a fiew tricks up my sleeve.

Edited by Thor.
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