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The last poster wins


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We won googlers,continue standing your ground and we shall be victorious


Keep up the none work googlers, you're support is appreciated, but i wish at least one of you would sign in or sign up. its getting lonely in here..


How is the weather over there googlers ?? response ......


Why are you here- response .....................


Who are you- respnse ..............


i need a drink... response ...............


If ya wan't to answer these questions, log in sdffasdfas

Edited by Thor.
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Stand fourth the googlers we though shall win the hearts of bing and altivista and so on.


Edited by Thor.
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It's true, I've been headbanging for 8 years now and my IQ test says I have an IQ of 133, I'm brilliant. :cool:


Now if you'll excuse me...


...I need to go raise my intelligence. http://www.novahq.net/forum/images/smilies/headbang.gif

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