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Please tell me your not a brony :confused:.

Why? :huh:

I'm not a big fan of bronys

First of all, I don't like being labeled by those who don't know me.


Second, if by any chance you mean those pesky guys who keep talking about ponies everywhere, even if the thing they comment on has nothing to do with ponies what so ever, I don't like them either. To be honest, I don't even know what makes one a brony or what the f*** it means, I don't care much about it either.


I like the cartoon but I don't shove it in people's faces nor do I intend to.


And third, if you wish to insult me or anything, I suggest you do it via PM, mods don't like insults in public and they really like to swing the banhammer.

Edited by Werne
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Please tell me your not a brony :confused:.

Why? :huh:

I'm not a big fan of bronys

First of all, I don't like being labeled by those who don't know me.


Second, if by any chance you mean those pesky guys who keep talking about ponies everywhere, even if the thing they comment on has nothing to do with ponies what so ever, I don't like them either. To be honest, I don't even know what makes one a brony or what the f*** it means, I don't care much about it either.


I like the cartoon but I don't shove it in people's faces nor do I intend to.


And third, if you wish to insult me or anything, I suggest you do it via PM, mods don't like insults in public and they really like to swing the banhammer.

I wasn't insulting or lableing you I just asked because of your avatar and I didn't say you were a brony, I didn't mean to offend you. i'm sorry

Edited by gaminggriffin
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I ain't offended so you got nothing to feel sorry about, one thing you should know is that I don't care much about people's opinion of me. :thumbsup:


As for the avatar, I like it and I had no idea what to put there, this was acceptable. I thought about changing it but if I change it now I won't be able to recognize my own posts. ;D I'm still considering it though.




And now let's get to more important things, like laughing at human stupidity:




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