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I put my htpc-gaming rig inside my closet, now its quiet and easier to watch movies in silence now, i even wen't out and bought one of these awesome bluray dvd combo-usb drive.




So i can completely isolated from the rest of the office, like its not there. Even the cable is neatly tucked underneath plastic. ;D ;D ;D


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no comment about my awesomenes pc setup :biggrin:, its great i could sleep by it now.

i should take a picture lol. it would be a pic of a closet though lol

i feel alone :ohdear:

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Advertise, advertise, advertise, you are a Representative, sasfadsgdgdsffgdas you're sig blinds in to easily, people will mistake that as a none issue, no link.

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I should take a screenshot of Skyrim now, the lighting is dead perfect, rcrn wot and enb's sweetfx-smaa injectors :biggrin: :biggrin: takes several extra seconds to load at first before logo screen, but hey its a sacrifice to be had.....


with enb's the in game aa is turned off, enb is far superior to in game aa. :thumbsup:



took that around high noon



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