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The last poster wins


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Greetings old wise and master of pie, how is your army of brokenergy duplicates working out for you. have they mastered the skills of canon fighting yet.


have they jumped out of the tree of knowledge yet?????. It seems like a long way down, ??????have they arrived at there destination yet????. Probably not sense its a empty void :blink:
You seem to have gained two years of skills, have you spent them in the skill tree yet, in the tree of knowledge???. It has the ability to warp to the realm of Thor wins???? :blink:

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Brokenergy doesn't understand the, i rule over brokenergies mind. She is no longer in control of her own sane thoughts, she will come to understand thou hast no mind, and will go into of the realm of snot. Its known to drive people mad, but not I.

She will not only understand the, she will no longer fear one self :blink: . As brokenergies mind has lost to the infinite and the magical realm of Thor Wins :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

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:mellow: The face of sadness, though tales of sadness have been told before, but happiness is another story. One can speculate that madness is both sad and happy, but with m48A5 its neither, its nothing, the void that bends time and doesn't know of ones origin. He may be sane, but is he depressed???. No it's none of the above, he is in the void of nothingness, and can't come to terms of Thors epic win.

Edited by Thor.
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