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The last poster wins


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hello my fine sir, i do belive I win.



So, now you know I am practicing to become sorcerer. I thought I made that part clear.


Practicing my spells will assure my victory!


It might take a couple of years, but hey, what's couple of years to a bunch of splendid Immortals like all of you?


And who knows I might actually be able to help some of you in other areas which your wisdom is not as sharp as it could be later on when I am really good.


I win!

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I will win no matter what, i dont care if i come back after basic training and, this is a dead topic i will bring it back and i will win.




That's the spirit Commander of your life.


i niw, if ouy nac daer sith ouy esol yllacitamotua :biggrin:


So! You have been holding back your secret weapon. Ay?! Thor!

I sense someone was dating Morgana's daughter. King Arthur's gone, but that wild sex fiend of a child they bore could only be the one who could have taught you that.

Or! You imagined it all on your own? Oh? My?! A natural!

Woe is me!


I win.

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