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My PS3 upload speed, over the DSL, is only 595.5 Kbps. It is the only machine I have seen that recognizes Mega bits and has a download speed of 1.3 Mbps.


Just maybe, maybe it will work for the online gaming, for short times. Before it is disconnected from the server from my PS3's slower uploading.


If so I lose at competitive gaming online because of it.


Ah! Well. (replacing my focus with optimism).


I WIN! Here. Momentarily.


I dont think you would, the psn servers are fairly good, its almost like you are not online at all, very smooth at times, most games have there own dedicated server.

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<br>My PS3 upload speed, over the DSL, is only 595.5 Kbps. It is the only machine I have seen that recognizes Mega bits and has a download speed of 1.3 Mbps.<br><br>Just maybe, maybe it will work for the online gaming, for short times. Before it is disconnected from the server from my PS3's slower uploading.<br><br>If so I lose at competitive gaming online because of it.<br><br>Ah! Well. (replacing my focus with optimism).<br><br>I WIN<i>!</i> Here. Momentarily.<br>
<br><br>I dont think you would, the psn servers are fairly good, its almost like you are not online at all, very smooth at times, most games have there own dedicated server.<br><br>
<br><br><br>I decided to watch the trailer for, "Avatar". The player kept stalling as it loaded instead of downloading all of it first and then playing it. I hope that is not an issue when I put a game in this evening that can be played with the online server.<br><br>Time to test a game on the PS3 for results. It should be fun.<br><br>Update: I nearly have cleared away enough paper wrappings, plastic bags, and extra cables, to walk, without stepping over anything, to my entertainment center. PS3 included.<br>Now; if I can find the disc, that game, that came with the PS3...<br>Oh! before I forget...I WIN<i><font size="3">!<br><br></font></i><font size="1">Update: I just cleared a bit more of the space on my carpet, found a wrapper from an old snack bar, found a paper I had started writing my memoirs on, that had slipped off into oblivion, discovered a hat I bought, just like the Mad Hatter wears in the latest Alice movie with J. D. playing him. <br><br>Entered and edited the text from my early paper and pen writing days.  Removed a plastic a huge bag off the floor with the stores logo on it, where I bought the hat, and found the old paper phone book under it.<br><br>(I am sure that paper telephone book will come in handy if I ever need to look up a phone number when the Internet isn't available, for one reason or another.)<br><br>I hopped a ride on the Millennium Falcon, which in hyper-drive jumped back to old Earth.  We stopped in at the "Museum of Natural History" where I purchased a holograph-copy of my pod racer.  Flew back to your garage and took my Pod Racer and left you with a nice hologram to fondle with your eyes, until, i.e., you try to take it for a spin. ( Just Kidding, I would never steal someone else's ride! )<br><br>Destiny is slowing my progress toward getting the PS3 running a game and testing it for Multi-Player activity.<br><br>Clearly I need to put some things away, so the maid can come in, and vacuum.  Or I might end up like a person, who I saw on television, who has become a hoarder in their old age.<br><br>The, much older then me, person has a five bedroom house stockpiled, with unorganized, and second hand stuff.  The person s literally living in one bedroom with a path through the piles of stuff leading to the kitchen.  There; a small refrigerator and a micro-wave oven allows them to eat.<br><br>I couldn't stand watching that show any longer then I did, because I did not want to see anymore of the hazardous conditions that may even make it so the person can't get to their, in house, bathroom so they have to go out and use the garden hose to bath.<br><br>I can see a couple of square yards of carpet ahead, next to the base floor speaker and stand with my electric keyboard.<br><br>Snicker: <img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":ninja:" src="http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/ninja.gif"> I put my Pod Racer safely in storage at a local garage under the watchful eyes of some viper wolves. <img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":nuke:" src="http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/nuke.gif">  Ah, ah, ahh!  Don't touch! <img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":pinch:" src="http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/pinch.gif"><br><br>I STILL WIN</font><i><font size="3"><font size="2">!</font><br><br><font size="1">Hey!  Someone?!  Some of the emoticons are appearing as text, instead of faces, and such</font>.<br></font></i>
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