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The last poster wins


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Yes that's right wrong way :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:



i win, lets hope its stays that way :thumbsup: .

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Thor you are wrong by all accounts


Therefore I win

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I know what I have done, I know what I have seen, and anyone who busies them self denigrating others is too busy to do any science projects. So you are the one, "Not Doing it At All". You are too busy trying to WIN.


I am not trying, I am doing; there fore, "Again"..



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:ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :cool: :cool: :cool:
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If only I could read, "Emoticon" language?


I will have to put Borderland to the test and see if by getting to a higher level, between crashes, fixes anything. Maybe then I will get the meaning of all those Emoticons you share there, Thor, in a string.


I hope you are making a record of your language using Emoticon's, just like, "Morse Code". Just think if "Samuel F. B. Morse" had never written down all those, "dots and dashes", then, only, he and a few real close friends would have been able to chat over the "Wire".


The telephone may never have been invented, also the mail would still be getting delivered by, basically, men and woman racing across the United States of America on horse back with their satchel of mail, and people would be afraid to travel through the Central and Mid-western states for fear of being robbed by lonesome bandits out in the wild, or Native Americans along the way.


Does all the historical references win me a positive WIN for the moment?


I thinks so, ego ID blitz...I WIN!

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Its a secret, no one knows but me, entirely made up of emotes, with a secret emotion attached to them, mainly the ninja's. They have secret headsets attached to them aswell.


Giving off your next position, and :ninja: in the secret code made up by me

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