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The last poster wins


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Oh! Look! Everyone has gone off to the land of security leaving me as the last poster.


What on Earth do they wonder?! What Wondrous creatures they are?! Or maybe what they, and some, have become?!


It torments me so, to let them know, that by steady progression, I WON!


The longer they fend off terrors charade, the doors of death stays closed. For it is just fright that causes their flight, and while it is, Death will not take them into the fold.


Again they that bend to the wind, who are friends, and rise to stand erect when the breeze does stop, they can play again.


The rest who fought to stand against the wind find defeat from the winds gusts, always, and fall victim to the bewildered state of being so bold as to stand stiff and cold, frightened or not.


Only the flexible survive. Those who are outside Chaos's breeze who bend or inside who walk along in the center of the hurricanes eye until it lifts Chaos from around them, and vanishes from the sky, survive.


Draw you your conclusions from your own survival and say, once again, "I WIN!"


Guess what?!

So do I! :laugh:

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream; Merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream, dream, dream...


Next chorus...What don't be ridiculous!...You don't want to join in?!

:dry: :laugh: :sad:

Oh! Well, then, "I WIN!"



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LOL, Row, row, row, your boat, forget the rest ;D :confused:


Now my equilibrium all out of wack :sick: Oh no rapids ahead, whats that in the distance a water fall :ohmy: :woot:

I quickly row a shore but current to strong, Needs a second hand. Yo Pagafyr i yell, then thinks fast and i looks behind myself? :ohmy: , see'e him almost asleep dosing off :huh: ??.

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I JUMP FOR IT, and i see that Pagafyr hasn't. The branch snaps and the Canoe and Pagafyr starts drifting further towards the rapids and water fall :ohmy: .


Lol brings back memory's of my old role playing days :huh:

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The rapids swept the raft out into the middle of the stream. Paddling fast the duo were barely able to steer to gain a few yards for getting closer to shore. As they fought the waters surged off the shore to drag them on, "Oh! S**T....A WATER FALL!"


Grabbing a coiled rope tied to one of the packs, taking it loose and slipping the end through the aluminum racks on the packs, dropping the coil to the middle the of the rubber raft, "GRAB ON TO MY COAT POCKETS!"


As the raft neared the edge of the falls, the water rose to fall over the cliff, lifting the nose as he threw the packs high into air. "GRAB ON! NOW!"


The raft buckled and folded in half like a mouth and clamped onto the duo swallowing them whole as the packs sailed over head. The whole group started to descend as the raft opened up it dipped nose down to take off down the falls, as it straightened out the duo began to free fall in mid air. The water falls mist swallowed them all.


The packs sailed out and got tangled up on giant tree roots, sticking out over the water. A moment later the duo were swinging toward the vines crawling down the jungle cliffs rocky side.



Oh! So you recognized my writing skill from your own practices. Ah!

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