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Sure lets continue, Now wherewas i, Ohyea the on shore trying to catch the Canoe.


As i run and dodge bolders and rocks of all kind near the shore, i try my best to keep up with the canoe, but the rapids are rushing ever so faster as the canoe picks up speed.


as i breathe deeply out of breathe from climbing up and down jagged stones and the rocky shore line. A deep forest is what keeps me from going deeper in land.

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I see that climbing up to get our packs first has been made my job.


I would have liked to have some help getting the packs. After all, one of them is yours.

I would have chosen the ropes for getting down to the bottom of the falls, over, mysteriously finding our selves at the to the bottom of the water fall, without the least bit of harm coming to either of us.


Lets try again? We are dangling from one of the ropes. I suggested climbing up the vines. We can use the rope to make the journey up a little safer. I suggest we gather the packs, first.


These parts are always the boring parts of my stories where I can loose the readers interest if I take to long to gather up stuff and prepare to get down safely.



Think up what words of wit or wisdom you might have to say to me after I said, "Take one hand and grab onto a sturdy vine, before you tear out my canvas coat pockets." Remember! We just fell, our shorts are probably wet from more then just the mist and water we were splashed with. So what comes to mind as you realize what i suggest you do?


What do you think?

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Thor! Snap out of it! I know you're scared. So am I! Now take one hand and climb off to take your weight of me.


WHAT?! Thor falls to his death because the pockets on my jacket ripped loose and i could not grab him in time.


It's all in your real life that your writing skills take the imagination to work it out.


Sorry Friend!



Nice start, what i usually do is try to picture myself in life threatening situation and act upon it :thumbsup:


visualize it in your head. Its something i learned way back in high school, makes it more interesting.


Here's my twist on the story.


----------------------------------- Lol if anyone asks, i have no intention to write a book ;D Way to much writing for my liking. I have a life 8) .


Remember we where on a canoe with very little gear. Inexperience to realize that there is a water fall and high rapids near by, i guess a wrong turn.


As Pagafyr panics and try's to think up a idea on how to get out of the nasty situation, page see's another low hanging branch that's attached to a tree near the edge of the water fall, as he thinks it over he decides to grab a hold of it as the canoe flows under the tree branch, and then climbs on top of it for dear life. As Pagafyr catches his breathe he here's a creaking sound and realizes that the branch is on its way into the water, but his quick thinking made him crawl off it as quickly as he can.


As i run to the edge of the water fall i grab hold of Pagafyr hand.


ruff draft lol

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This is where editing comes in:


LOL, Row, row, row, your boat, forget the rest ;D :confused:


Now my equilibrium all out of wack :sick: Oh no rapids ahead, whats that in the distance a water fall :ohmy: :woot:

I quickly row a shore but current to strong, Needs a second hand. Yo Pagafyr i yell, then thinks fast and i looks behind myself? :ohmy: , see'e him almost asleep dosing off :huh: ??.


Pagafyr: Paddle Faster, head for SHORE! LOOK! A big tree branch sticking out off over the water...JUMP FOR IT!


Thor: I JUMP FOR IT, and i see that Pagafyr hasn't. The branch snaps and the Canoe and Pagafyr starts drifting further towards the rapids and water fall :ohmy: .


Pagafyr: The rapids swept the raft out into the middle of the stream. Paddling fast the duo were barely able to steer to gain a few yards for getting closer to shore. As they fought the waters surged off the shore to drag them on, "Oh! S**T....A WATER FALL!"


Grabbing a coiled rope tied to one of the packs, taking it loose and slipping the end through the aluminum racks on the packs, dropping the coil to the middle the of the rubber raft, "GRAB ON TO MY COAT POCKETS!"


As the raft neared the edge of the falls, the water rose to fall over the cliff, lifting the nose as he threw the packs high into air. "GRAB ON! NOW!"


The raft buckled and folded in half like a mouth and clamped onto the duo swallowing them whole as the packs sailed over head. The whole group started to descend as the raft opened up it dipped nose down to take off down the falls, as it straightened out the duo began to free fall in mid air. The water falls mist swallowed them all.


The packs sailed out and got tangled up on giant tree roots, sticking out over the water. A moment later the duo were swinging toward the vines crawling down the jungle cliffs rocky side.


Pagafyr yells, "Take one hand free and grab on to a sturdy vine and start climbing up before you rip my canvas coat pockets out." Dangling the rope slips, "Thor! Snap out of it! I know you're scared. So am I! Now take one hand and climb off to take your weight of me."


Thor see's another low hanging branch that's attached to a tree near the edge of the water fall, as he thinks it over he decides to grab a hold of it.

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