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The last poster wins


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Well hello there, i win..

Well hello there! to you too. I haven't heard that line since, "MORROWIND?"


Oooh! I WON! And I have a new PS3 to prove it.



He he, i guess thats where i got it from, i haven't played that game in a lonnnnnnnng time, ever since i had my original xbox back when. But unfortunately i sold it for the 360 witch rrod'ed on me :verymad: :verymad:


also mad about Alpha protocol it sucked, I'm taking it back on Saturday, back to best buy in return for ModNations woot. Well are you still willing to have a one on one racing, one of these days.


Alpha protocol rated 6 out of 10, that's very bad :down: :down: :down: :down: .

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I am wildly thinking about racing. Modnation Racers is growing more popular as I write. Either that, or you, and all the people at online and at the store are in on selling it back to me now that it is out. I did not see them playing the game while there were no other customers in the room. (Suspicion) ;-)


Watched a real live jet engine being worked on in on YouTube. Some people working from a garage yard drive way in the UK. When they got it running it removed a good twenty feet of lawn. :woot: Really my kind of engine! :geek:


I am so keyed up I want to put a Rolls Royce Jet Engine on my Cart. Have to wait and see when I get a glimps of the modding stuff if I can create a duplicate engine from a scratch pad, "Bamboo" or a picture, "jpg". OH! GOD! Please! "Don't let me down, don't let me doowwn.


See you later alligator.

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Hey Paga are you still using you're old psn id, if you want i could add you again. Saturday there is a 80% chance i will have ModNations.


I win.

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