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The last poster wins


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The crew of the solar sail enabled star ship Lollipop finished gathering data.  As each carried on with the research feeding the findings into the main frame computer the captain studied the incoming reports one by one.  <br><br>It was known that the Sun of the galaxy that lay ahead possessed two sources of supplies within their reach.  <br><br>The structure of the solar star ship proved her worth and was without need of major repair, leaving them with another four years of ships supplies.  <br>After the week filled with observations, the captain found only the study of the strange phenomenon of the two galaxies between field, which resembled a thin fog as the star ship neared where, at the ships present orbit, it began to become visible.  The study to determine its composition began.<br><br>All though there seemed to be no concern the captain called for a vote, "Do we continue on taking our chances and set up a base of operation on one of two planets?  Or return to our home planet to make adjustments and start over better equipped next year?" <br><br><font color="#00bfff">I WIN<i>!</i> </font>
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A spoon makes an excellent catapult for launching ice cubes at others in the room. An enterprising form of entertainment. At least until the nurse breaks it up. For fear of the doctor slipping on the watery floor when making the rounds for each visit to the childrens ward.



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