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Most Popular Halloween Hair Whitening Movie?

Don't watch it alone! It's really scary!

I'm not sure I should tell you the name of it.

If you have a weak heart and died, because I told you not to watch it, and you did anyway, I wouldn't have any way of knowing.

I'm not going to watch it alone again. EEEEK! I almost watched a trailer about it!

The Conjurer 2 is just hair whitening... Well... it is in my opinion. :yes:

That music the guy sang was just... No I can't write it! :ohmy:

I'm sure the movie makers were secretly trying to trick the audience

into conducting

a new secret way to have a seance to actually

bring back the dead.

Yeah! A Mass Seance.

The more people watching tonight at the same time the better.

And they tried to call back

Elvis :ohdear: twice.


The Grudge.

Watch that instead.


Happy Halloween!

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