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The last poster wins


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According to human rights, I do have a right to pass, therefore I win. :laugh: :biggrin:

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no one shell pass


typing with one hand yay :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:


double yay, i have a weeks worth of vacation time ahead of me :thumbsup:

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lol, typing with one hand is not something to brag about.

generally the phrase "typing with one hand" is used when the other hand is occupied with an act that makes god cry


just thought you ought to know lol


oh and I win

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no one shell pass


typing with one hand yay :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:


double yay, i have a weaks worth of vacation time ahead of me :thumbsup:


Well I type with my mind. Insta win! :laugh:

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