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The last poster wins


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I got the whole world in my hands. :laugh:


I win. :tongue:)


The crown seems to disagree; I still win. :laugh: :happy: :teehee: :ninja: :devil:

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:verymad: :verymad: :verymad: :verymad: :verymad: Opens black Hole and it suck Keanumoreira in.


I WIN :verymad: :verymad: :verymad:


Copying ones power results in this kind of failure...




Not even a black hole can stop me. :tongue:


I win for being faster than light. :laugh:

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I win because I know how and when to throw a peg-leg in your way to make you stumble with over light speed. Sorry for the terrible Ouch that comes from this.




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I win because I know how and when to throw a peg-leg in your way to make you stumble with over light speed. Sorry for the terrible Ouch that comes from this.


Being faster than light speed means my senses are as well; I saw that coming from 10,000 miles away. :laugh:

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