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Unusual FPS Drop help


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So recently I've installed Oblivion and no matter what settings (from lowest to highest, even changing screen reso and between windowed and full) Oblivion keeps giving me an fps drop and runs at about 5 fps. I tried updating the game and deleting the Oblivion.ini file, even reinstalling the game yet I still get a great drop of fps.


My PC specs are:


Q6600 2.40 GHz


with Radeon X1950 XT series Video card


I'm pretty sure I have a good enough rig to run the game also. Can anyone help me with this problem? I can play Fallout 3 on high without problems, so why not this?

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Did you update your video drivers? If so, try rolling them back to the earlier version. Sometimes newer drivers actually make things worse instead of better.
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If you have onboard sound try disabling sound and music at the Oblivion.ini for testing purpose. If FPS goes up for a meaningful amount, you'll know the source of troubles. Try the sound drivers and good luck (from my own experience only a good discrete sound card will really resolve the issue).
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