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STALKER Mutants in the Capital Wasteland


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To go along with my S.T.A.L.K.E.R request for a hunger/thirst/sleep system based to be that much like the stalker games, how well received would mod be that included all the mutants from stalker? I think the wild boars, flesh, that really crook mutant with the huge mouth that can cloak itself, the poltergeists, even anomalies would all fit perfectly into the Capital Wasteland.. I think it would add a tremendous amount of new game play. What does anyone think of this? By the way I have emailed Toxa regarding this so I am awaiting a reply
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  • 2 weeks later...
To go along with my S.T.A.L.K.E.R request for a hunger/thirst/sleep system based to be that much like the stalker games, how well received would mod be that included all the mutants from stalker? I think the wild boars, flesh, that really crook mutant with the huge mouth that can cloak itself, the poltergeists, even anomalies would all fit perfectly into the Capital Wasteland.. I think it would add a tremendous amount of new game play. What does anyone think of this? By the way I have emailed Toxa regarding this so I am awaiting a reply


I often dream of a Fallout/S.o.C. combo.....


While i dont care much for the mundane creatures ( Wild boars, dogs, cats etc.), it would be cool to have the the blooddrinkers (invisible guys), dwarves (removed in retail but re-added by some mods) , and snorks (the ones who look like human but with a gas mask/trunk molded to their face), oh yeah and can't forget the good ol' zombies.


The anomalies would be cool, and they'd make the Wastelands a hell of a lot more interesting to travel through, then again some of the anomalies would require decent physics and fallout 3 is.... lacking (or at least it has some strange habits).

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Yeah, I'm just thinking one huge epic S.T.A.L.K.E.R mod.. All the mutants and most definitely the zombies they were awesome, all the human factions would be fantastic.. I get a bit sick of running into only raiders or supermutants. Anomalies would add a whole new level of danger to the wasteland. I love all the Fallout games, and i love both STALKER games.

I think the atmosphere of STALKER combined with Fallout 3 would be mind blowing. I really hope an experienced modder with the same vision reads this and takes it on

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