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TESSource Feature: Player Profiles


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I'm finding myself with more free-time to think about what I want to do with TESSource as the release of Oblivion looms (namely during my lectures) and am thinking of coding a player-profiling site, or addition to TESSource that will enable people to make a profile of their character.


I'm thinking they'll be able to add pictures of their character, give the name of their character, their official forum name etc etc.


What sort of things would you like other people to read-up on about your character, supposing you'd use the system?


What sort of features would this system need? Should it be a part of TESSource, or linked to TESSource but a seperate site (ala The Mod Site Creator).


Help me out here ;D

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I think this is an excellent idea Robin. I am positive from what I have seen in the Stinking Barfly it would be very popular amongst the users.


Personally, I would include a bio with my character.

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Just to clarify, this won't be for the role-players as such, but for actual player profiles of people's characters in Oblivion.


Oh I realise that. However, if you look through the Barfly posts, you will see that many users are acting out their PC and Xbox personas. They put a lot of effort in characterisation and background.

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Indeed Stampede, the brief forays I used to make into the Barfly (narrowly escaping with my identity intake I might add) the amount of characterisation is intense. Since the detail of the graphics has gone up so much as customisation of looks is alot higher people will love the chance to show off themselves.


Including a bio with character pics and stuff is a good idea Stampede. Maybe you could include an area to fill in detailing the accomplishments of that character in the game, which can be updated as people play; you know, level in a Guild, number of deer (or whatever) killed... that kind of thing. It'll also save on the bragging posts that you just know will pop up saying "Well I've got the male without a father Sword of 1110ness, beat that".


Snazzy idea Dark0ne, like it alot. I can see your lecture time is being used to its best :)

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would be cool to be able to "upload" your character to the site. Make a little background story, your biggest acomplishments...


And there should be a bar saying: I used a cheat!!! when someone used cheats to get strong :D


Information about your character, how he/she looks like, being able to identify all the items the person is wearing..


Just some wild ideas...


Good idea anyway, hold on to that idea!

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