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Cave home/Underground homes?


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Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a home that is underground for my dark elf character. Caves, sewers, subterranean castles.


I've been using castle almgard which is excellent but I'd like to try another mod. Tried searching but I can never find any good results with the search engine here.



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Vella den Keep was my first mod. It gives the player an underground home and a small town. There are guards, merchants and a few NPC's just to fill space. There are also three pet/guard wolves who don't do much more that wander around. There are caves that lead to the outsides of each of the major cities and one entrance/exit inside the IC. It's a handy mod for those who prefer not to use fast travel or for vampire PC's. The mod isn't finished but I have moved on to other things, I will get back to it one day but the mod is still very useful.
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