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How did you get money on Morrowind.


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Hey guys! How did you get money on Morrowind, when your cherecter was about 1-10 lvl?

For example:

At first I killed and robed people and sell everything I was able to get my hands on, without anybody seeng me.

After a few levels I found out, that guards all over Morrowind respawn, and I chosen one guard in Vivec, Foreign Quarters Plaza, and started killing him, by jumping on the wall and casting some spells and throwinhg stuff. When he was dead, I took all his stuff, exept the helm and somthing else and sold it to the smith, nearby. Ofcource, everybody hated me, but I payed about 10,000 drakes (I earned about 100,000 drakes) and started traveling around Morrowind. (Too bad, that it was before I had Bloodmoon and Tribunal, so I lost that cherecter.)


Well actualy when I finisht beating up hopless Ordinators I was alrady about level 20.


So, how did you get money? (No cheating)

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Once you've played it once you know where to go to get the expensive items at the beginning and where to sell them. I end up with ludicrous amounts of cash and nothing to spend it on. The game ought to have robbers or something so that you can lose your cash if you hoard it!
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I have about 26 million in morrowind with my main char! Damn boooooring! Well, in the beginning i stole stuff and sold it. The classic thing to do is stealing the 60000 gold soulgem in balmora mageguild... easy money :P
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Once you've played it once you know where to go to get the expensive items at the beginning and where to sell them.  I end up with ludicrous amounts of cash and nothing to spend it on.  The game ought to have robbers or something so that you can lose your cash if you hoard it!


Yes... It's cool to have 500k but if you don't have anything to spend it on....


Oh well i bought a constant effect restore health enchantement on my daedric tower shield. Don't remember howmuch that costed, but it was much :)


First time i played morrowind i sold simple things. Silverware, forks, anything i could find. Later i found some nice artifacts to sell, and bought some good equipment of it (the shopkeepers don't have that much money, so when selling i had to buy something too so i wouldn't waste any money) Well, with better equipment and some money i bought a soulgem with a soul, and made a robe with a soultrap effect on it that i could shoot like 100 times. Then i started hunting strong monsters and get their souls.


My most valuable possesion must be the soul of almalexia and vivec, (don't remember value of vivec's soul, 3 million?) Too bad no shopkeeper got 7 and a half million to buy almalexia's soul...

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Yes... It's cool to have 500k but if you don't have anything to spend it on....


Oh well i bought a constant effect restore health enchantement on my daedric tower shield. Don't remember howmuch that costed, but it was much :)


You can pick up 21000 gold pieces a day from Mudcrab, Creeper, and selling reagents to Nalcarya and Abelle Chriditte. Your enchantment probably cost 80000 but it's only four days worth of cash. (I have the multiple teleport marking mod loaded that enables rapid movement between the buyers).


You can spend money on training and enchantments (weapons and armour are too easily found to make that worth while) for a time but only at the beginning of the game. It is in fact a common problem with many RPGs that things get too easy as the game progresses.


If you are fairly strong (and level 27 or so) one way of making a lot of money very quickly is to go to Falensarano Stronghold. Kill and loot the daedra and clear their corpses, go into another cell and kill some more. When you return to the first cell they have respawned. Keep doing this until bored. If you're lucky you'll get loot from a couple of dozen golden saints in a matter of minutes!


At the very beginning of the game do the Vassir-Didanat mine quest and get a daedric sword. That can be sold (others are around in mines to be picked up for nothing) to pay for armour etc and training. Another good source of income is completing the quest for Mollimo of Cloud Rest at Tel Branora. You fight half a dozen people at once but they are pretty feeble. Just have a couple of potions to hand.

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